Homo Sapiens dominated the world because they were the only animal that could have flexible in many collaborations which leads to discrimination — whether racial, sexual, or political. All systems of broad human cooperation — including religions, political structures, business networks, and legal — owe their emergence to Sapiens' distinct cognitive capacity. The trend of Sapiens has been increasingly towards political and economic dependence. For centuries, the majority of human beings lived in empires, and capitalist globalization produced a global empire, and money, and world religions were the main drivers of this trend.

Human freedom is inseparable from self-awareness of his limitations.

_Limitations on everything related to life(Ontological experience) We are dependent on the environment, and we need food and water to survive. We have to work and try to fix our lives. Both ourselves and everything around us is mortal, and over time they wear out, disappear, and are replaced by new things. As a subject, our dependence on the object is undeniable. The subject sees his freedom in this regard in the power to choose and possess the object and has to adapt to the cruel behaviors of nature.

_Man's dependence on another human being and his reliance on the community limits him in another way(Social experience) That is why we do not have complete individuality. We have limitations both in our individuality and in our population. Hence, we need rules and regulations for collective life. As a result In society, we face war, justice, injustice, power, and the struggle to win it.

_The third limitation of man is in the power of cognition and knowledge(Cognitive experience) We have to rely on experiences, and especially on whatever we receive through the senses.

Natural sciences limit the possibility of human activity and social sciences shape what is happening in this area.



Cognitive revolution (around 70,000 BC, when Sapiens evolved the imagination).

Agricultural Revolution (about 10 thousand years BC, agricultural development).

Unity of Humanity (gradual integration of human political organizations into a global empire).

Scientific revolution (about 1500 AD The emergence of objective science).


A Brief History of Humankind  by Yuval Noah Harari


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