Evolution and Freedom

Evolution and Freedom

Our human ancestors were quite free throughout most of our evolutionary existence and the power of dominants was limited. However, most of our existence as humans and all of the existence of our pre-human ancestors occurred before there was writing, and so before “history.” During the hunter-gatherer phase of existence, humans were non-hierarchical and relatively egalitarian. This egalitarianism was maintained in spite of tendencies for males to want to dominate. It was maintained because coercion by dominants was limited. This led to what is called “reproductive leveling” .
About 10,000 years ago, With the advent of agriculture, societies settled down and became sedentary. As a result, kings and other rulers arose and were able to dominate others. Sufficient wealth also led to the growth of violence, sexual access, and domination. Hunter-gatherer societies provided a lot of freedom for men, but were generally oppressive for women. While democracy does not guarantee freedom, it is unlikely that there will be long term freedom without democracy. An unrestricted democracy may also restrict the freedom of minorities, whether they are religious or ethnic.
Freedom of the press enables people to learn about the behavior of government, including any efforts by government to expand its power. Freedom of speech enables people to communicate with each other and to protest efforts by government to increase its power. Freedom of assembly enables people to congregate in order to organize protests if government should misbehave. What is relevant for freedom is not the statement of these rights; rather, what is needed is actual enforcement of the rights.
To sum up, our evolutionary background has caused us to value freedom. However, this same background has meant that we have tendencies that also cause us to limit freedom. Individuals want to become dominant, and institutions of political freedom are necessary to prevent this from happening. Crime can limit our freedom, and efforts to control crime can also limit freedom. Most human societies have limited the freedom of women, harming both the women themselves and also limiting the wealth of society.


  1. matriarchal societies versus patriarchal societies.

    ottoman empire - reign of women

    jewish culture is passed on through the mother.

    avoid non-sequiturs = disjointed ideas that directly follow one another.

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