Issues of discrimination are complex. We must first
distinguish types of victims of discrimination: minorities, majorities, and gender.
We must then distinguish between private and government discrimination. Then
there are various forms of discrimination. Is there employment discrimination?
Educational discrimination? Political discrimination?
In an ideal world, all rights would adhere to individuals as
individuals, not to individuals as members of a group. Any violation of this
principle, by private citizens or by governments, may be viewed as an
infringement of freedom because some individuals will be denied some rights due
to their birth. However, there are limits to discrimination by individuals, so
there is greater danger of government violation of individual rights.
Governments may discriminate against minorities or against majorities. There is
also gender discrimination. All three types interfere with freedom. Private
versus government discrimination If there is private discrimination, then there
are market forces that will reduce or eliminate this discrimination
Gender discrimination
Most societies have discriminated against women and such
discrimination is still common. In most Islamic societies women are denied many
rights. In much of Asia there is even prenatal discrimination, with selective
abortion against female fetuses so that more children will be male. In the
West, women were only granted the vote in the late nineteenth or early
twentieth century. As for other aspects of freedom, there are two benefits to
gender equality. There is a utility benefit, as women clearly are less happy
when discriminated against. There is also an economic benefit. Countries that
deny economic rights to women are losing about one half of their labor force,
and so they have greatly reduced productivity.
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