what is freedom?
The meaning of freedom is different for each individual. It depends on the individual understanding of freedom, and each of us understands it in different ways. While some think of it as the ability to speak, think, or even act freely, others are of the view that it is about the possibility of choosing what you want.
For me, freedom means doing something that I want as long as it doesn’t hurt anybody else. My conception of freedom is to be independent. Independence to take my own decision without being control by other people. It means to feel confident, create, think, and fail no matter how other people would judge be free in expression and live without fear of judgment.
I seek independence that is rooted inside me. Freedom is an inner peace for me. Because I believe someone worried and anxious cannot be free at mind and hence cannot enjoy the beauties.
In my opinion, freedom is getting rid of the daily worries and anxieties of life and being able to cope, be patient, and face the things that bother me. Maybe that's why I find painting, drawing, and creating art peaceful and for me, it is the way to receive mental freedom and inner peace.
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